ACE Day At ZDT's 2021
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On Saturday, October 17, Forty eight ACE Members and guests arrived at ZDT's Amusement Park in Seguin. After we received our nametags and ride wristbands, Danny & Sarah led us up the exit ramp and onto the track for a climb up the lift of Switchback for our group photo.
Next up, attendees enjoyed an hour of ERT on the world's only wooden shuttle coaster, Switchback. After the first hour, the park's electric Go Karts were open for ERT as well. During ERT, members could also enjoy all the free video games and free beverages at the snack bar.
At noon, we met in the Turning Point party room for lunch. The park served their famous hot dogs, chips, and Fried Oreos. Our friends at Quirky Coaster Couple brought a cake to celebrate Switchback's sixth birthday.
Next up, Sarah led us in a game of ZDT Bingo. Normal Bingo cards were used, but you had to have a bingo in the shape of a "Z", "D", or "T". Winner's of the three rounds won a park refillable drink cup.
Danny showed us the new Brazillian wood he is using on Switchback to reduce maintenance and give smoother rides. A sample of the old wood and the new wood was available for members to see and touch. Two winners received a small piece of wood signed by the park owners.
Members were invited to stay and enjoy all the park attractions for as long as they wanted before heading home.
A great big THANK YOU to Danny, Sarah, Zac, and the entire ZDT's team for putting on an amazing event for us!
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