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West Texas Roundup 2021

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West Texas Roundup began with check-in at Joyland Amusement Park in Lubbock, Texas. After everyone arrived, park owners Dave and Kristi Dean started the event by introducing the group to Bumper Car Soccer. Teams of four compete to get a ball across the floor and score by getting the ball between two parked cars on the end of the floor. The park also opened the rest of the rides for an hour and a half of ERT.

After ERT, ACEers enjoyed the park for the day until dinner. After dinner, Dave and Kristi had a question and answer time with attendees. We then took our group photo and members went back into the park for the rest of the evening. After the park closed, we remained in the park for the city fireworks display.

The next morning, attendees made the drive to Plainview for a tour of the Larson International manufacturing facility. After the tour, we walked across the property to the National Roller Coaster Museum & Archives. We had breakfast in the original room that was mostly built with funds from ACE.

We then had two new exhibits unveiled for the museum. It was then time for the attendees to be the first people inside the new museum expansion. It includes a huge exhibit space, entry, restrooms, a small theater, a bar, and more. After some time for members to see everything and get pictures, we took our group photo in the new facility.

We then drove up to Wonderland Amusement Park for the last stop on the roundup. We were met by the park and given ride bands and a free round of mini-golf. We held a tournement for prizes. After we completed the course, most went to get their credits on the parks coasters.

At 5pm we met in the parks picnic pavillions for dinner and a question and answer session with the park owners. Gary Slade of Amusement Today also reminded attendees of the importance of supporting these and all family owned parks.

After dinner, Q&A, and presentations, we were free to enjoy the cooler evening in the park. The park expanded its operating hours by one hour and that gave us basically park wide ERT for the last hour.

A great big thank you to Dave, Kristi, and the entire Joyland team, Hunter and the Larson team, Gary, Pete, and the entire NRCMA team, Paul, Paula, and the entire Wonderland team for your amazing hospitality!

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