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Feliz Fiesta 2020

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Feliz Fiesta was held on Saturday, December 12 at Six Flags Fiesta Texas. Over 100 ACEr's and guests were in attandance.

The event started with check in and a reception for new Marketing Director Chris Ozimek. The park surprised us by adding the reception at the last minute and including breakfast for the attendees.

After the reception, it was time to be on the first ride of the day on Wonder Woman Golden Lasso Coaster.

We were then free to enjoy the park for the afternoon. During the day, we received reserved seating for Jingle Jams and The Majesty of Christmas shows.

We were then free again to enjoy the park until dinner at the picnic pavillions. The holiday meal included turkey, ham and all the fixin's. After dinner, Jeff, Jeffrey, and the regional rep team all spoke to the group.

After dinner, we headed over to Sundance Theatre for the parks Holly Jolly Holiday show.

After the park was cleared, we then began our hour of ERT on Iron Rattler and Road Runner Express.

We wish to thank Jeffrey, Jeff, Chris, Dana, and the entire Six Flags Fiesta Texas team for another amazing event.

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