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ACE Day At Typhoon Texas 2019

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Our ACE Day At Typhoon Texas event was held on Saturday, August 3rd. We had 60 members and guests in attandance.

The event started with check in and the receiving of our wristbands. Before the park opened, we enjoyed a tour of the pump room and ERT on the major slides.

Once the park opened to the public, we were free to enjoy the park until lunch. The park served us an all you can eat brisket and sausage meal for lunch inside their air conditioned party room. The parks barbeque has won numerous awards and we could tell why. It was delicious!

After lunch, we gathered for our group photo. After the photo, guests were on their own for the rest of the day in the park.

A great big THANK YOU to the whole team at Typhoon Texas for their amazing hospitality.

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